Consolation Lakes - Moraine Lake area
7.3k return 266m elevation gain
Another installment in the Last Summer Hiking Trip of 2020 (Labour Day weekend). We've been lucky this year, even though the Moraine Lake road has frequently been closed starting early in the morning we drove straight in around 10 and since it was too windy to canoe we hiked to Consolation Lakes again.
If getting here was easy I'd probably add this to my regulars list. For a short easy trail it's incredibly scenic.
The trail in follows a beautiful stream.

It's so rugged at the end, and again we had the entire place to ourselves for an hour. It wasn't even raining this time!
I don't feed wildlife but he thought he better check.
The lake is beautiful in the sun but it's the rocks and glacier that really make this place special for me.
The wind caused ripples so I couldn't quite get the shot I wanted.
I was quite excited to find my iPhone could do long exposure so we took our time experimenting on the way out. Note: take a live photo then flip it up for options.
The Tower of Babel welcomes you back to Moraine Lake.

It's been an amazing summer for exploring the Moraine Lake area, but I did think it was a bit sad that in a 'normal' year this place is stupid busy and hard to access. Oh well, I guess in a normal year I'll just go to Vegas lol.
This guy was eating all the things on the way out. This was the best I could manage with an iPhone from a moving car. I shall call him Bernard.
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