Achilles and the Hellbitch

I have just been cleared to start running again after 4 weeks of being mostly off my feet/resting/gaining weight.  For the past 2 weeks I've been doing a modified Bodyweight class which restored my sanity though I can't sneeze without midriff seizure for 4 days after.  I had no idea I could manage 100 pushups.

Initially I iced my ankle daily for two weeks until the swelling went down.  I was left with a bump (my lovely ankle ladyhump).   Said hump is coming and going at the moment, it's worse in the mornings and seems better after exercise.  I have no idea what this means.  Internet searches kept popping up the most disgusting pictures and video of Achilles injuries which put me off moving altogether.

It's here, it's there, it's nowhere
Give me all the treatments

The Achilles does not have great blood flow so laser therapy was recommended for me.  It's a light source that transmits energy into your afflicted area to speed healing. The process takes 45 mins and there is no pain.  None.  I am having 8 sessions total, 2 per week.

Step 1.  12 minutes of this:

Step 2.  14 minutes, but with a different light source:

It glows faintly blue if the lights are down.

Step 3.  5 minutes with a wand/fancy vacuum cleaner attachment:

Let's hope we're done with this before I drive myself and t'other half mad by pausing the TV and demanding lump assessment every 15 mins.  Does it look bigger to you???  Feel it, FEEL IT!


  1. Fingers crossed it heals quickly!

    1. Thanks Leigh, I'm hoping it's getting back to normal. What a production.

  2. Oh man Achilles tendonitis sucks! I had the bump thing... and a weird popping feeling - what finally fixed for good was shockwave therapy... I didn't have laser though, so hopefully that takes care of it pronto!

    1. Crap, glad to hear you got on top of it. I'll try not to ask a million questions about your bump...and treatment...and all the other fun stuff :)

  3. I am so glad that during tea you have not asked me to feel your lump. I am with Terry...shcokwave might be stronger. but i think you ma have broke the humps back.Let's hope!

    1. Interesting, you know I hadn't heard of shockwave. One lump or two in your tea? ;)

  4. That's some weird looking tech shit. And your lump is no pretty site either. Geez. Get better already! :)

    1. Thanks Crystal, I am working on it! I get the Flash Gordon theme stuck in my head during treatment, I'm an arse.


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