Marathon Ready (Or Not) Here We Come!

We fly out on Thursday for the Pittsburgh Marathon on Sunday - eeek!

Final weight loss
8lbs (3 short of my 11lb goal)
More work to be done after the race, after the pizza, after the trip, after the beer

Non-matching socks blister fiesta, still not healed
Chafing (MUST remember Glide on race day)
26.2 is still feeling like a rather long way, not sure on strategy
I am registered for another marathon (Calgary) on June 1.  WHAT?!
Stop thinking about next marathon

Training progress
From 2:46 Half race in Feb to 2:21 Half training run in April
All speed training completed
Most hill training done (skipped a few, guilty)
1 x 20 mile run done - wondering if I should have done more

I feel completely lacking in energy right now.  My run yesterday was woeful.  I can't decide if I'm getting a cold or just stressed about the race.  Or perhaps it's the playoffs?  I am going to have to stop overthinking everything.  I did exactly that in Kauai and felt awful at the start line.  Plus I now think summer may actually come this year and that is the best time to get out and about.  So much to look forward to.  Focus on the positives.

Update: The Penguins just squeaked into the second round in typical dramatic fashion (trying to give me a heart attack).  This validates my choice of hotel, we'll be right next to the arena and ready to go! Mini Iceburgh will be pleased.  Here he is with us and Stanley at Dick's in Pittsburgh in 2009.  I enjoyed my sexy time with Stanley very much.


  1. #bitchesberunning You will rock it. You and iceberg are gonna be fiiiiiiine. yes. you need to stop thinking and just be beauty-ous. Didn't you tell me to stop thinking yesterday too? Also a race requirement is at the very least one hottie selfie and one mullet selfie! oh and HAVE FUN at the pub watching a game!!!! or two!!!!
    and wear sunscreen too. say no to chafe!

  2. Sounds like you are right on track Sue. Good job. Everyone I know is lacking energy right now. Just imagine ow the taper will bring all that energy back so you can rock your marathon on June 1! See ya soon! :)

  3. Good luck to you tomorrow!!


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