Week in review
I really enjoyed the speed training this week, we did ladders of 400/600/800/1200/800/600/400 with 400m breaks in between. Each one has a slightly different speed as per the book. Everything else also went well, the XIT was hard going in a good way though I had muscle pain for 3 days after it. Jumping lunges will never be my friends. Yoga was lovely, we focused on stretching out the IT band which was perfect. Tempo run was hot and sweaty but I got through it with a couple of breaks. 5k at 6.26 then another 3k at 6.36 with 3k cooldown. Or not, since it made me even hotter. I wish the gym would put the temp down.
There's still a lot of ice on the pathways, so it's hard in parts to keep a pace going. This contributed to my state of extreme piss off.
I beat myself up about 'failing' in my long run all day yesterday so I'm moving on. Back to speed training in the gym tomorrow. Given we're presently in the middle of a blizzard, definitely good timing for an indoor run.
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